अस्ट्रेलिया बाट नया गित सार्बजनिक अन्तरबार्ता सहित !

This interview is taken with a Nepalese Artist Sundeep K Lohani by our foreign correspondent Mr. Shiva Neupane aka the author of “Falang English Dictionary” and “In the Pursuit of Utopian Life in Australia”.

1-Tell us something about your musical journey?
Well, it all started growing up and listening to all those amazing Nepali musical bands from 80’s. As a music enthusiast, I kept rejoicing those aesthetically composed lyrics and that exquisitely vocalised songs. What is even more worth remembering here is that the friends of mine were extremely like-minded and helpful.
When I went to Pokhara for my further studies, I got an opportunity to familiarize myself with some of the bands and more importantly,
what motivated me the most is the sheer approachability of those professional musicians who used to play in the night clubs.
The first song that I composed was “Prashna” which was recorded in 2012 in Pokhara. My musical journey started shortly after I met friendly and like-minded people like I said earlier.

2-What inspired you to make a music video when you have so much on your plate, meaning other commitments in Life?

That’s an excellent question, it is true that life is very complex. We must organize most of the things if not all to tame with all the ups and downs. Therefore, I have been acutely aware of time management skills to balance my passion and other social and family responsibilities. Now going back to your initial question. I would like to admit the fact that the real inspiration we get from how other people do things wholeheartedly.

Let me put this into prospective. Well, I was routinely in touch with those professionals long before I recorded my song and slowly the process of understanding the musical genre came to exist owing to their natural affinity with music.

3-What is your debut music video? Did you receive the accolades?
The first song that I recorded in 2012, was “Prashna”. It was broadcasted by T.Vs. It is also available on YouTube channel. We have received more accolades from our audiences and well-wishers, and which is why our team is focusing on how to win the hearts of our respected audiences in the days ahead.

4-What type of musical genre that you like to involve in the days to come?
I have been inspired by rock and pop music. However, I do attach importance to all kinds of genres. I strongly believe that the habit of listening to a wide range of musical genres will give us an eclectic sense of what music has to offer in the first place.
To me, a person who is keenly interested in music has a learning curve for making headway with the musical project. Right now, I don’t have a particular idea as to which genre I should be focusing on. However, slowly, and surely, I will be establishing myself in the realm of genre that I choose to be in.

5-How do you see the entertainment industry in Nepal. Does it have a promising future?
The entertainment industry has been expanding quite remarkably well due to internet that gives rise to the digitalization of artistic project. The digital platforms such as YouTube and Facebook have worked well for the promotion of the artistic calibre of those hidden talent in every nook and cranny of the country or the entire world if I may say so. The social media have glorified the artistic beauty of people. In Nepal, we have witnessed in every week or so the emergence of new artists due to TikTok and Facebook. In my speculation, the future of entertainment industry seems to be glaringly bright.